Characteristics of Staffie

In spite of the bloody history of Staffordshire Bull Terrier, many extraordinarily positive qualities retrace all the pores of the race. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is defined not only by its “indomitable courage and tenacity,” but also by its determined affection for the children. At first glance, such qualities seem contradictory. How could one expect a formidable and brave fighter to cuddle next to the children? Who could have imagined that a race like this could have become the choice of thousands of dog lovers from all over the world and that he could be trusted by leaving him with his children?

To understand this contradiction, the reader must identify which qualities of Staffordshire Bull Terrier prompted the animal to undertake the compel battle, the fight to the death against another dog. The quality is plain and straightforward: absolute devotion to man. No race in the world wants to please its owner more than Staffordshire. The tenacity and courage of the competition are at the same level as their love for people and their desire to please them. The Staffordshire also recognizes the tenderness and fragility of children, which inspires them to protect and dedicate themselves to them.

Historically, Staffordshire Bull Terrier has earned the nickname “the nanny,” thus highlighting the affection of the breed towards the children. Owners should also understand, however, that children should never be left unguarded when they are with any dog, whatever its size or temperament. Given the stoic nature of the breed and its resistance to pain, Staffordshire can tolerate the treatment of children. However, they should be taught to treat the dog properly. The natural abundance of children can sometimes make them mistreat a dog.

Another quality makes Staffordshire Bull Terrier loved by children, and that is that they love fun. Staffordshire is an active, athletic dog that sometimes plays dumb. His funny jokes and his games of chasing and taking things make the delights of children and adults. There’s no doubt about Staffordshire’s athletic abilities. A quick look at the dog’s musculature, from head to foot, reveals that it is suitable for an active person. Cheekbones have a prominent musculature, giving the dog an incredible clamping power in its maxillaries. Many owners provide their dogs with ropes and even hanging tires for exercise. The dog’s feet are strong and well-cushioned, and they are attached to muscular and athletic limbs. Have you ever seen a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the air? What incredible strength and balance this little terrier possesses. When a Staffordshire flexes, whether it is jumping vertically or merely smiling, it is a pleasure to contemplate it.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier puts its muscles where its treasure is: it is an unstoppable watchdog for the family and property. Weight by weight, Staffordshire is the first of the guard dogs, as it is the smaller, efficient defense dog. While many of its relatives-the Mastiff, the Bullmastiff, and The Boxer-are quite a few inches taller than the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the race compensates for this with its enormous strength and absolute devotion to those it protects. A bullet does not have to be big to fulfill its mission: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, perfectly pointed and driven, can follow the trail and stop the assailant. Tenacity and strength are intermingled to make this dog brave and formidable. Remember, however, that Staffordshire is not a faithful guard dog, and unlike the Dobermann and Bullmastiff, the breed was not designed to protect.

Are all Staffordshire Bull Terriers friendly, trustworthy, and have a balanced temperament? The Breeders will say that most of the specimens have these qualities, but not all of them. Cordiality should truly define the breed, although most breeds and dogs should be friendly. Most breed standards include the word “friendly” in the description of its characteristics. The Kennel Club breed standard also consists of the phrase “totally reliable,” assuring the reader that Staffordshire Bull Terrier is more than trustworthy under ideal conditions. If the dog has been properly bred and socialized, there should be no doubt about the friendship and reliability of the dog. Dogs that are treated with kindness, and trained and bred with intelligence and responsibility, can only be formal.

The balance of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s temperament has its origin, in part, in its history in the fighting rings. People in the dogfighting world raised them so they could be predictable. These dogs are so robust, tenacious, and aggressive; they must be “totally reliable.” As unpleasant as his image may seem, the owner of the losing Staffordshire had to have enough confidence in his dog to, even when the dog was shattered, take him and heal his wounds. These dogs, often in a state of shock and terrible pain, never tried to bite the hand of their owner. Such dogs were strictly aggressive towards other dogs, but never with people, even in unfavorable and painful circumstances.

This is why your four-year-old son can step on the foot of his Staffordshire Bull Terrier without the dog reacting to the defensive. This is why the family cat can sit on the tail of its Staffordshire and get no more reaction than a yawn. A dog that could sacrifice its well-being, and indeed its life, to satisfy its master is a dog that could be trusted in any situation.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is adaptable but sensitive. You can’t mistreat a Staffordshire. These dogs should not be severely punished or unjustly rejected. They live to please their owner, and nothing is as disappointing for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier as the anger or anger of its owner. While firmness and equity should define the way you treat a Staffordshire, the dog should always perceive that you are content with your actions. Praise is a glorious thing for him.

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